Seeking Donations: Support Akio Matsumura

Since the March 2011 earthquake in Japan, this website has become a leading resource for politicians, business leaders, scientists, and the press to find a balanced and international perspective of the Fukushima accident. Our work has been especially important for the political leaders of Japan, but has also brought two main issues to the American and Japanese public’s attention: the potential dangers of the fourth reactor and the likelihood of thyroid cancer in children. This work has come at enormous personal expense, and the demands in the coming period appear to be greater.

Request: We have the pleasure of sharing a review of our work in 2012 and a request for support for the Akio Matsumura Chair, which would enable us to continue to expand the reach and scope of our unique work. The World Business Academy created the Akio Matsumura Chair to develop a framework for an integral approach to seemingly intractable transcultural challenges involving strategic, financial, and spiritual considerations.

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Akio Matsumura Chair (tax deductible)

Federal Tax Identification Number: 94-3058028

Payable to: World Business Academy

Memo: Akio Matsumura Chair

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