New Strategies in US Foreign Policy: Building Perception instead of Animosity

by Akio Matsumura

We are out of money.  The 2008 world economic crisis and economic recession have forced many governments to cut back in spending. The media reports daily on which programs will be kept or cut, and lobbyists are working hard to make sure their piece of the pie is not tossed out. In Europe, Greece’s austerity measures—while staving off disaster—have caused riots. In many countries, national security budgets, despite ballooning to epic portions, will be the last to go, though surprisingly, US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates last week announced that the Pentagon will slash spending in the years ahead.

The defense budget will remain high because of a national paranoia (perhaps rightly) of foreign attack, influential business interests, and the all-important fact that the US is still fighting two wars.  And their position on both fronts looks increasingly untenable:  the effects of the “surge” in Iraq–General Petraeus’ miracle work–is now reportedly dissolving; Western efforts in Afghanistan are producing fewer results than hoped for.  Just this week the New York Times published an editorial, “The State of the War in Afghanistan.” Their survey is disheartening:

But, like many Americans, we are increasingly confused and anxious about the strategy in Afghanistan and wonder whether, at this late date, there is a chance of even minimal success.  

Military efforts are continually stifled or delayed.  What is the Commander in Chief’s next step?  Approval is waning (although a majority of Americans still support the war).  Military operations–even if professed to diminish in the coming years–will continue on at least for the greater part of the decade.  The idea of “winning hearts and minds,” is thrown about loosely and has been variously integrated into the war’s strategies, but I do not believe it has been wholeheartedly included.

I have often mentioned that it is the relationship of trust between individuals that determines a nation’s destiny if it, as a last resort, must go to war.  War is always composed of two tactics: 1) military operations and 2) perception-building (hearts and minds) operations.  If military operations are the blood that pumps the heart of victory, then perception-building is the spirit that wills it to sustain its endeavor.

The US has not done enough to create a favorable perception of itself in Afghanistan.  Specifically, educational and international student exchange programs seem to be of lower priority due to their intangible and invisible results. Certainly they are not regarded as critical to—or even part of—the national security agenda.  Congress should increase funding to these programs while recognizing the important role they play in perception-building abroad.

I would like to mention a story that illustrates how international student exchange programs build national security as well.

I had the pleasure of being acquainted with former US Congressman Philip Ruppe (R) who visited my home.  One day, Mr. Ruppe and his wife, Ms. Loret Miller Ruppe, invited my wife, my son Keishi, and I to their home in Washington, DC, for dinner. Mrs. Ruppe was director of the Peace Corps under the Reagan administration.  She asked me my opinion of US foreign policy since World War II.

I mentioned there were four great success of US foreign policy.  First, I said that the Marshall Plan and the Occupation Policy for Japan were certainly great achievements. She nodded—these were clear successes.
I said next that the other two were the establishment of the Peace Corps and the Fulbright Scholarship.  Mrs. Ruppe was surprised to hear me mention the Peace Corps and asked, “Akio, are you just being diplomatic?”  I told her, “Mrs. Ruppe, I have no need to be diplomatic.  When I was a university student, I wanted to join the Peace Corps so much.  But being from Japan, I could not join.” Many of my American friends joined the Peace Corps after university.

In October 1964, I visited South East Asia as part of a university student exchange program.  For some time we stayed at a Saigon University dormitory—the Vietnam War had not yet escalated to its zenith (or nadir).  We talked through the night with Saigon University students about the war. Obviously, they were against it: the anti-Vietnam War student movement was reaching its peak all over Asia.  I emphasized to Mrs. Ruppe that although they were against the US war policy, they admired US culture and the friendships they had made with Peace Corps volunteers had given them an indelibly positive view of American people.

I cannot emphasize enough that the Peace Corps volunteers and the Fulbright scholars, who later became leaders throughout Asia, have contributed enormously to reduce tensions in the region.  Their work has led to the recovery of relationships with many Asian leaders.  If we consider that the national security programs are the government’s first priority, then it is clear that student exchange programs must figure as prominently as soldiers on our national tool belt.

It impressed me as a student to hear President Kennedy express his appreciation to foreign students for choosing the US as a place to share their culture and their future, and to hear him encourage US students to live abroad to facilitate further exchanges.  I think it is time to revitalize the spirit of President Kennedy: American leaders should express their appreciation to foreign students—in particular ones coming from Muslim countries—who wish to share their culture and lives with young Americans, and encourage more exchange.

After all, we are working hard for our children—for their future and for the betterment of society generally. Emerging leaders who have benefited from international student exchange programs might use their abroad experiences—and most important, friendships—to create a more equitable and peaceful world then we have managed.

The concept of the Peace Corps, Fulbright Scholarship and Pell Grant should be rekindled and bolstered now as we flounder and delay in confusion.

7 Replies to “New Strategies in US Foreign Policy: Building Perception instead of Animosity”

  1. My dearest Akio

    It is so good to read your thoughts again. It takes me back to our being together in these exhilarating conversations over the years. When we shared our realistic dreams to help heal the world. Let us join forces again in our still youthful age. Please let us link our minds and hearts and websites. I am also reaching out to Feisal Abdul Rauf my brother on the road towards reconciliation

    May our work be blessed.

    Blessings to the family also from Sira.


  2. Dear Akio:
    Thank you for your latest thoughts. I agree with every word. Because 'education' is intangible it is given low priority. I will not be sufficient to revive the Peace Corps and the others you mention. A new scheme is needed with a new name. I hope you will be a Founding Father of it My belief is that GIVING AND RECEIVING must be in balance and that no new scheme will work unless this idea is given a lot of weight.
    Best Wishes!!

  3. Akio,

    You perception is extremely clear as usual. Relationships developed in early adulthood usually last for a lifetime. What a foundational building block for the flattened earth.


  4. Akio,

    It is a great idea. I know you have been talking about it since I started working at the Global Forum in 1990. I am very proud of myself to be a family member of the Global Forum and Global Committee and especially had a chance to work with you. Your vision is great and your dream will come true one day.

    James Ray

  5. Dear Akio
    I as a student will certainly agree with your thoughts of building perception. it brings harmony and understanding at a national level and even at a student level. Animosity had left only a disastrous and dreadful common future for all but I must admire that light of hope is seen everywhere. We all are ready to welcome peace at our doors.You as an authentic and forceful writer and I as a young fresh mind can do a lot together to build positive perception of living in one world.

  6. Dear Akio
    You are working on a very demanding issue of today's generation; winning minds and hearts. They know it very well how to deal with this issue, we as their backbones need to provide them full support. We must initiate students exchange programs to upload a peaceful and harmonious vision in them in order to create much much better leaders for the world.

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