Fukushima Daiichi Site: Cesium-137 is 85 times greater than at Chernobyl Accident

Ambassador Mitsuhei Murata

[*Ed: This page was updated on 4/5/12 to reflect corrected calculations]

By Akio Matsumura

This article is available in Japanese and German and Russian.

Japan’s former Ambassador to Switzerland, Mr. Mitsuhei Murata, was invited to speak at the Public Hearing of the Budgetary Committee of the House of Councilors on March 22, 2012, on the Fukushima nuclear power plants accident. Before the Committee, Ambassador Murata strongly stated that if the crippled building of reactor unit 4—with 1,535 fuel assemblies in the spent fuel pool 100 feet (30 meters) above the ground—collapses, not only will it cause a shutdown of all six reactors but will also affect the common spent fuel pool containing 6,375 fuel assemblies, located some 50 meters from reactor 4. In both cases the radioactive assemblies are not protected by a containment vessel; dangerously, they are open to the air. This would certainly cause a global catastrophe like we have never before experienced. He stressed that the responsibility of Japan to the rest of the world is immeasurable. Such a catastrophe would affect us all for centuries. Ambassador Murata informed us that the total numbers of the spent fuel assemblies at the Fukushima Daiichi site excluding the assemblies in the pressure vessel is 11,421 (396+615+566+1,535+994+940+6375).

I asked top spent-fuel pools expert Mr. Robert Alvarez, former Senior Policy Adviser to the Secretary and Deputy Assistant Secretary for National Security and the Environment at the U.S. Department of Energy, for an explanation of the potential impact of the 11,421 assemblies.

I received an astounding response from Mr. Alvarez [updated 4/5/12]:

In recent times, more information about the spent fuel situation at the Fukushima-Dai-Ichi site has become known.  It is my understanding that of the 1,532 spent fuel assemblies in reactor No. 304 assemblies are fresh and unirradiated. This then leaves 1,231 irradiated spent fuel rods in pool No. 4, which contain roughly 37 million curies (~1.4E+18 Becquerel) of long-lived radioactivity.  The No. 4 pool is about 100 feet above ground, is structurally damaged and is exposed to the open elements. If an earthquake or other event were to cause this pool to drain this could result in a catastrophic radiological fire involving nearly 10 times the amount of Cs-137 released by the Chernobyl accident.

The infrastructure to safely remove this material was destroyed as it was at the other three reactors.  Spent reactor fuel cannot be simply lifted into the air by a crane as if it were routine cargo.  In order to prevent severe radiation exposures, fires and possible explosions, it must be transferred at all times in water and heavily shielded structures into dry casks.. As this has never been done before, the removal of the spent fuel from the pools at the damaged Fukushima-Dai-Ichi reactors will require a major and time-consuming re-construction effort and will be charting in unknown waters. Despite the enormous destruction cased at the Da–Ichi site, dry casks holding a smaller amount of spent fuel  appear to be unscathed.

Based on U.S. Energy Department data, assuming a total of 11,138 spent fuel assemblies are being stored at the Dai-Ichi site, nearly all, which is in pools. They contain roughly 336 million curies (~1.2 E+19 Bq) of long-lived radioactivity. About 134 million curies is Cesium-137 — roughly 85 times the amount of Cs-137 released at the Chernobyl accident as estimated by the U.S. National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP). The total spent reactor fuel inventory at the Fukushima-Daichi site contains nearly half of  the total amount of Cs-137 estimated by the NCRP to have been released by all atmospheric nuclear weapons testing, Chernobyl, and world-wide reprocessing plants (~270 million curies or ~9.9 E+18 Becquerel).

It is important for the public to understand that reactors that have been operating for decades, such as those at the Fukushima-Dai-Ichi site have generated some of the largest concentrations of radioactivity on the planet.

Many of our readers might find it difficult to appreciate the actual meaning of the figure, yet we can grasp what 85 times more Cesium-137 than the Chernobyl would mean. It would destroy the world environment and our civilization. This is not rocket science, nor does it connect to the pugilistic debate over nuclear power plants. This is an issue of human survival.

There was a Nuclear Security Summit Conference in Seoul on March 26 and 27, and Ambassador Murata and I made a concerted effort to find someone to inform the participants from 54 nations of the potential global catastrophe of reactor unit 4. We asked several participants to share the idea of an Independent Assessment team comprised of a broad group of international experts to deal with this urgent issue.

I would like to introduce Ambassador Murata’s letter to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to convey this urgent message and also his letter to Japan’s Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda for Japanese readers. He emphasized in the statement that we should bring human wisdom to tackle this unprecedented challenge.

It seems to us that the Nuclear Security Summit was focused on the North Korea nuclear issue and on the issue of common security from a terrorist attack. Our appeal on the need for the independent assessment at Reactor 4 was regarded as less urgent. We predicted this outcome in light of the nature of the Summit. I suppose most participants fully understood the potential disaster which will affect their countries. Nevertheless, they decided not to raise the delicate issue, perhaps in order to not ruffle their diplomatic relationship with Japan.

I was moved by Ambassador Murata’s courage in pressing this issue in Japan. I know how difficult it is for a former career diplomat to do this, especially in my country.  Current and former government officials might be similarly restricted in the scope of their actions, as Ambassador Murata is, but it is their responsibility to take a stand for the benefit of our descendants for centuries to come—to pass on a world safer than our ancestors passed us.

If Japanese government leaders do not recognize the risk their nation faces, how could the rest of us be persuaded of the looming disaster? And if the rest of us do not acknowledge the catastrophe we collectively face, who will be the one to act?


Tokyo, March 25, 2012

Dear Secretary-General,

Honorable Ban Ki-moon,

I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude for your considerate letter dated 2 March, 2012. Your moral support for a United Nations Ethics Summit will remain a constant source of encouragement for my activities.

Please allow me to pay a tribute to your great contribution to strengthen nuclear safety and security. The current Nuclear Summit in Seoul is no doubt greatly benefiting from the high-level meeting you convened last September.

I was asked to make a statement at the public hearing of the Budgetary Committee of the House of Councilors on March 23. I raised the crucial problem. of N0.4 reactor of Fukushima containing1535 fuel assemblies. It could be fatally damaged by continuing aftershocks. Moreover, 50 meters away from it exists a common cooling pool for 6 reactors containing 6375 fuel assemblies!

It is no exaggeration to say that the fate of Japan and the whole world depends on NO.4 reactor. This is confirmed by most reliable experts like Dr. Arnie Gundersen or Dr. Fumiaki Koide.

Please allow me to inform you of an initiative being taken by a former UN official who is endeavoring to have the Nuclear Security Summit take up the crucial problem. of N0.4 reactor of Fukushima. He is pursuing the establishment of an independent assessment team. I think his efforts are very significant, because it is indispensable to draw the attention of world leaders to this vital issue.

I am cooperating with him, writing to some of my Korean acquaintances that this issue deserves the personal attention of President Lee Myung-bak. I have written today to Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda. I asked him to consider taking the initiative of mobilizing human wisdom on the widest scope to cope with the Fukushima reactor No.4 problem, fully taking into account the above-mentioned “independent assessment team”.

The world has been made so fragile and vulnerable. The role of the United Nations is increasingly vital. I wish you the best of luck in your noble mission. Please accept, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, the assurances of my highest consideration.

                                                                      Mitsuhei Murata

Former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland and Senegal

Executive Director, the Japan Society for Global System and Ethics 

554 Replies to “Fukushima Daiichi Site: Cesium-137 is 85 times greater than at Chernobyl Accident”

    1. Please go to http://www.ceramiccementcorp.com they hold a patent on a easy to make in large quantity radiation continment cement called CXS If anyone can get TEPCO’S or Japan governments attention please do so. This cement CXS has been tested by our nuclear industries and is a solution. Please help if You can. My grandchildren thank you in advance.

    2. The science still doesn’t hold up.
      I reviewed the 4 sites. Here is what I see:

      Site 1. No one quoted in the article ever says that anything was
      actually leaked. Just the potential for leak. Even then they are
      talking about “spent” rods. These rods, though radioactive, are so
      radioactively impotent that they can be safely stored by the thousands
      in a pool of water. These are the same rods that when they were
      active (ie not “spent”) were used to boil the water to make live steam
      for the turbines.

      Site 2. I worked the numbers and can show you the calculations.
      25,000 tons of debris at 100,000 becquerel per kilogram equates to
      2.15 ounces of radium-226. Total radioactive material in 25,000 tons –
      2 ounces.

      Site 3. They are measuring something that has a 1/2 life of 8 days, 30
      days after it was released. This is the only science that has a
      little credibility, in that, yes you can measure 30 days into an
      element that has an 8 day half life. But it is very difficult to do
      accurately. Even still he says it is 250 times higher than before the
      event. For something to come across the ocean on the tides (at the
      quickest a week long trip) with a half life of 8 days and to end up
      250 times above normal, the initial release would have to be so great
      that millions of people would have died, not the 14,000 (a number I
      saw on one of these sites). So where are his numbers? He never shows
      you the before or after numbers. You only can take his word that they
      are 250 times higher. Another clue that causes me to question his
      science, is his statement “Probably not healthful”. That says to me
      he has not actual evidence to back it up. There are also lots of
      “might bes” and “possibily’s” in his statement.

      Site 4. Again only the “possibility of a spill” is mentioned. Lots of
      large numbers are stated, but what do they mean? Saying that 120 tons
      of radioactive water was released does not say anything. 120 tons of
      water equals 30,000 gallons. The Pacific ocean is estimated at
      187,189,915,062,857,142,857 gallons. A shark can detect blood in the
      water to the tune of 1 part per billion. That means in a billion
      gallons of water there is one gallon of blood. Would you call that
      “bloody” water? It is the same with the “radiactive” water. If the
      30,000 gallons of water were 100% radioactive (an impossibility) it is
      still 10,000,000,000 less concentrated than the “bloody” water.
      Looking at the guy in the white jump suit (which will protects against
      radiation no more than your average clothing), I would say the risk of
      radiation where he is standing is pretty much zero. Until they
      actually show better numbers everything they are saying is just

      If we should be worried about Fukushima, then we should be a lot more
      worried about Calvert Cliffs. Calvert Cliffs, MD has all of the spent
      rods from the local reactors there. There are thousands of rods
      sitting in pools in southern Maryland. We’ve had earthquakes
      recently. The last one strong enough to mess up my father’s well and
      he is half way between here and there. To say the risk is any less

      There is a lot more information I haven’t shared yet. I can show you
      how the first guys science doesn’t work. As a matter of fact there is
      a YouTube that has the same detector showing even higher radiation
      numbers from a glow in the dark keychain that anyone can buy in any
      7-11. Where that guy was showing 170 cpm from rain, the keychain was
      showing something like 240 cpm.

      1. I read your paragraph on Site 1. Then came across this article from Time Magazine (not Arnie Gunderson!):


        where it refences:

        ‘the Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island, N.Y., estimated in 1997 that a massive calamity at one spent-fuel pool could ultimately lead to 138,000 deaths and contaminate 2,000 sq. mi. (5,200 sq km) of land.

        2000 square miles is ~45×45 miles

        Needless to say once I read this from a more reliable source I didn’t need to check your later points…

        Here’s Wikipedia’s primer on Spent Fuel Pools if you actually care:

      2. Thanks for sharing your knowledge regarding radioactivity. Let’s assume your discussion of the radioactivity itself is accurate; I don’t have the knowledge to assess it, others may. It still needs to be put into a context. One gallon in a billion does not constitute “bloody water”, but that’s little consolation if the gallon of blood is mine: I’m dead. Similarly, the radioactivity that is not enough to contaminate the entire Pacific Ocean is still dangerous one lung-full (or gill-full) at a time.

        Also, to worry about Fukushima does not mean we don’t worry about Calvert Cliffs MD. We also have to consider the severely compromised status of the building in Fukushima.

        We are all halfway between here and there; we shouldn’t assume anything is far enough to ignore. My far-away is your backyard, and vice versa. In the meantime, I will refrain from eating glow-in-the-dark keychains for sure.

      3. Matt’s ‘knowledge’ is anything but correct.

        Spent rods are highly radioactive, and are anything but ‘impotent’. Some nations reprocess spent fuel to be reused – it does not become some inert rod, rather a rod filled with other (radioactive) stuff.

        the half-life of Cs-137 is 30 years.

        half-life of Iodine-131 is 8 days. All that means is after 8 days you have half as much I-131 (the rest has decayed to stable Xenon-131)

        So if I had a kilogram of I-131, after 8 days, I would have 500g, after 16 days (another half-life) I would have 250g, after 24 days, 125g, after 30 days, 62.5g and so on.

        Please Matt, do share more of your ‘information’.

      4. ‘For something to come across the ocean on the tides (at the
        quickest a week long trip) with a half life of 8 days and to end up
        250 times above normal, the initial release would have to be so great
        that millions of people would have died, not the 14,000 (a number I
        saw on one of these sites).’

        Not neccesarily. Iodine-131 is a short-lived fission product. It would normally be present in seawater in undetectably small quantities.

        So whilst 250 times normal sounds dramatic, it is actually miniscule, since 250 times almost nothing, is almost nothing.

        Regarding the discussion of per Kg hazard: The inventory of Cs-137 in a large reactor at an average irradiation of 40GWd/tonne, is only about 114kg. But its activity is 300million GBq. That’s enough to ruin thousands of square kilometres of land for about 100 years if its all released, as was amply witnessed at Chernobyl.

        Luckily, even under severe accident conditions no more than a few percent of it is released from a containment-protected PWR.

      5. Matt I’d love to know which nuclear power company you work for, and or which government. You are obviously shilling for a form of energy that is a danger to the very survival of mankind. Simple fact for all of you people to understand is that THERE IS NO LEVEL OF SAFE RADIATION!!!

    3. Go to http://www.nuclearreader.info to learn all you need to know about radiation. A must read, especially in the wake of Fukushima. Also, there is an excellent book called “Radiation Protective Foods” by Sara Shannon. I got mine at Amazon.com. This is the most critical threat to health and armed with information is the only way we will be able to stop the insanity. Nuclear power is an absurd way to boil water.

      1. “Nuclear power is an absurd way to boil water” He He. But at GE. “We make things better” (or something like that).Yah right, they make MULA better!

  1. Pingback: Alarming Radiation Ignored In Japan & North America | Best Metal Research
  2. So why isn’t anyone rapidly removing all spent fuel rods to a safer location before collapse!!??

    1. The building is heavily structurally damaged, and they don’t have access to the fuel currently. As both the building and the pool structure itself are damaged, the very act of trying to gain access to the fuel could cause the collapse of the fuel pool. They have been taking the first step they have to take before they can do anything else, that is shoring up the structural support for the fuel pool (which at least in some photos could be seen to no longer being level), and the building, so remaining parts of it don’t collapse into the fuel pool.

      I haven’t seen any recent reports on the progress in this area, but until shoring up the structure is completed, they can’t even start on taking the structure apart to the extent of accessing and removing the fuel. As mentioned in the article, they also can’t just put a crane over the pool and start lifting out the fuel rods, as exposing them to air would not be a very good idea.

    2. Simply because the infrastructure needed to transfer the rods has been so damaged it is useless and they cannot be moved safely. Its either remove them at great risk to those involved (almost certain death) or try to bury the entire complex in a massive concrete sarcophagus. They are trying to find the cheapest possible solution instead of simply getting on with it, PROFIT is far more important than human life to the elitists and capitalists, no one wants to lose any money, no one wants to spend more than is “necessary” its all about COST. They know but fail to admit that it may very well be the end of humanity and possibly destroy most other life on earth too but the COST oh and the loss of PROFIT and we cannot have that can we?

    3. This does not seem to me to be an accident, although that is what they are calling it. It very well could be Japan getting back at the world for WW2. Let’s not forget the Kamikaze spirit of Japan.

      How could their safety have been so lapsed as to have overlooked the potential damage of an earthquake, Sunami combination when they are in an earthquake prone area. Even schoolchildren could have predicted a massive wave of water hitting those areas after an earthquake

      It seems evident that although the immediate area suffers very high radiation counts, much of the fallout travels and directly toward the U.S and on toward the rest of the world.

      Strangely, many countries are still “Playing’ with the potential fires of nuclear power…Even Iran is still building plants that could one day be damaged and release vast amounts of radiation into the environment.

      The smartest thing we could do would be to send a Multinational think-tank to Japan to secure those damaged sites, force the shut-down of the rest of the world’s nuke sites, and simply work on Clean use of Oil and other renewable energy sources.

      But then again, many “Leaders” think the population is too large anyway….massive amounts of radiation would likely cure that problem

      1. Bruce, that’s ridiculous. Look at the nuclear industry worldwide, it’s a massive industry, which often ignores safety for cost reasons. Fukushima is not the only place where N-plants have been built on fault lines. Japan has to come up with a good engineering solution to dealing with this fuel situation, and then they have to work out another one, how does a country with very little oil, gas, coal or wood, generate affordable electricity. If they don’t find an answer, and wish to avoid the implications of ever rising oil prices, there will be pressure to continue reliance on nuclear energy. have you ever looked up the Windscale incident (at the now renamed Sellafield plant) ? They still haven’t figured out how to dismantle the reactor after all these decades because of radioactive fuel and gasses that will burn on contact with air or explode above certain temparatures. This is what happens when systems fail in such a risky business.

    4. Because living things and electronics can’t operate, in environments with such high radiation levels.

      A human being would become to sick to work after a few minutes of exposure, then die shortly afterwards.

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        Dyskretna wysyłka

        Zapewniamy szybką i dyskretną wysyłkę w nieoznakowanym opakowaniu odpornym na uszkodzenia.Wysyłki realizujemy najpóźniej 24 godziny od otrzymania zgłoszenia. Poste restante lub na adres, płatność przy odbiorze, sprawdzenie zawartości

  3. From a scientific standpoint, this situation will allow us to use humans as guinea pigs in an interesting experiment to compare the effects of radioactivity between the the nothern and southern hemispheres. Human evolution will be significantly impacted through mutations.

  4. I lived in Japan for 20 years at a Shinto Buddha temple run by my X father-in-law. 2nd ranked in that particular religion also had allot of power in the political world. He was also adviser of the city councils when they had issues to resolve. Over the years because of my X Father-in-law did a few projects for Tokyo University & eventually got to know in person a few of the higher officials. I mention this for a good reason as of follows:

    Japan was going through an increasing anti foreign don’t interfere with us in any way sort of culture that started to arise when I was there the past 3-4 years. There was even a saying going around @ SAY NO@ This originated from the Japanese wanting the USA army bases out of Japan but eventually lead up to a sort of global anti foreign way of thinking. And funny enough this ant foreign way of thinking topped off not only because of North Korea & China but because an American kissed a Tuna fish on the head. Following on the news for several weeks documentaries spiraled out of control & nothing but negativity towards non natives born in a big way. An over stricked culture brainwashed by controlled media & TV has Japanese from really knowing what to do & what to believe.

    To even have a realistic chance to have a permanent solution to Fukushima-Dai-Ichi the people there have to & quickly get past arrogance on a large scale & accept outside help with no buts or ifs. It’s now a global issue & now a global way of thinking instead of that closed way of thinking happen right now. This I mention because it’s this that will kill us if not addressed. True unity is needed & without it … well we all know what could happen.

  5. Pingback: Former Japan Ambassador Warns Gov’t Committee: “A global catastrophe like we have never before experienced” if No. 4 collapses — Common Spent Fuel Pool with 6,375 fuel rods in jeopardy — “Would affect us all for centuries” | Generall.US
  6. Enough.
    To delve/meddle into the affairs of another sovereign individual, let alone an entire country, is a distasteful and embarassing situation. It is my belief that we MUST make ‘the golden rule’ THE worldwide prime law.
    With that said, time is up.
    It’s time to meddle in the affairs of Japan. All of us.
    Get everything we need to solve this problem over there and get it done.
    I apologize to Japan for these insulting demands.
    but, ENOUGH.
    If you, Japan will not call for help, then it is time for help to be thrust upon you.
    This is bigger than your secret little face saving meetings you have been having.
    You DO what is necessary to solve the problem.
    That will mean using outside help.
    If not, the rest of us people are hereby put on notice.
    If we do not do IT and do IT now, it will be too late.
    I will expect the world to rage at me/USA if this were happening here at home and we were to do the NOTHING that Japan is doing to all of us now.
    It means NOW, NOW, NOW!!
    Come on Europe, Asia, the rest of us, Get up, get going.
    I was taught one very stern lesson when young, “you don’t have to stand tall, but you do have to stand up”.

    1. If you would have noticed in the above article that is exactly what they in Japan are asking for is help! But the Regulatory people are more involved and concerned about terrorism and Korea and Iran’s activities that they are putting this on the back burner. At least Japan is asking for help now. The rest of the world is ignoring their pleas for help.

  7. Pingback: Nuclear Expert: Fukushima spent fuel has 85 times more cesium than released at Chernobyl — “It would destroy the world environment and our civilization… an issue of human survival” -Former UN adviser | Generall.US
  8. THat’s not the scary thiing. The scary thing the bastards have 500 more around the world and quite a few are built on fault lines. How many could be hit with a Tsunami? This is one plant. But the rich rule and they get richer selling fuel and building these plants and supplying material. If you figure this nuclear disaster, Chernobyl and the fact it takes a lot longer to build them than regular power plants and all the people who have to be there for safety and the fact they’ve probably already killed a few million and the fact it takes a decade to clean up after you shut a plant down and the fact that 200 will probably be discontinued over the next 25 years and then a decade to build to replace them. If they figured all this in it would make 100 times more sense to grow hemp. These plants probably only make profit half the time they run another total waste of money.

    1. Damned! It’s about friggin time that hear SOMEBODY mention HEMP!
      But these A holes will never allow the sleeping public to know anything about that.
      The cultivation and production of HEMP would threaten the entire structure of society today, and these (and I use the term lightly) people are not about to relinquish control anytime soon.
      The people will have to take the situation into their own hands, but that will probably never happen because the world is so full of a bunch of spineless little children who think they are adults and nobody can seen to agree on anything!
      But HEMP would radically change EVERYTHING.
      I find it most interesting that man has known about hemp, and used it rather extensively, for thousands of years, and there was never any need for the use of oil and coal which are slowly destroying EVERYTHING!
      But most people don’t know jack, and trying t convince them of this would probably be futile.
      So here we are sitting in our own shit, too dumb to know how to help ourselves. What a pathetic bunch of losers!

      1. Hemp…. i am so saddened by the petty schemes that have denied us the mass cultivation of such a humble, useful and powerful plant….. i pray that we manage to reach a time when it is our communal birthright to do so…. L x

      2. You people are deluded and farcical..

        Of course – hemp is the answer to a potential nuclear armageddon. I’m sure it could also somehow reliably be used to replace the energy produced by these nuclear facilities, correct? And because of its natural magical hippie-coma-inducing powers, it certainly wouldn’t require any power to process it into usable products, right? It would also make power plants entirely obsolete in any form, because it removes the necessity for power for processing and manufacturing of other goods or services with its innate magical tendencies.

        Please – do everyone a favor. Go out and educate yourselves in a sincere manner, because you are so delusional it defies explanation, and definitely shows a total lack of rational thought-processing capabilities. I would go one step further, in saying you are most likely mentally ill.

        It is this type of drivel and insistence on existing in emotional dream-world denial – instead of facing what is facing you – that has brought us to this point which could result in what would be, essentially, the extinction of the human species, and most other animal life as well.

      3. RS, who’s deluded? You think hemp has “magical hippie-coma-inducing powers?” Hemp is a fiber, food, fuel, textile, etc. The one with the” hippie-coma inducing powers” is a distant cousin to hemp, AKA marijuana. Educate yourself about hemp. While you’re at it you may want to try a puff of marijuana too, it may even poke some holes in that box that you’re thinking inside of.

      4. With the amount of products that hemp can help produce, I am sure it has a positive effect on electricity usage don’t you agree? I am sure there are many innovations that can be explored with hemp, we just haven’t devoted enough energy and time into researching it. The government needs to get their heads out their assholes because the internet is allowing people to smarten up really quick now.

      5. Yep. So many things that are simple are forgotten. I found a book on wax making. It had all the SIMPLE formulas for all kinds of varnishes and sealers and 100s of stuff all very simple to make. It’s MULA. That’s what it is. Here is an energy saving free tips (one of 1000s): Heat your coffee 1/2 cup 50 seconds high in microwave (4x more efficient than amount of water to cover the kettle coils). Heat that coffee under small glass enclosure on sunny day. Bold wax same way instead of wasting electrical energy. So on. And now I read your guys about HEMP. I know nothing about HEMP. I’m going to look this stuff up. You see, we are a dumbed down so that we BUY BUY the products they push on us. Oh another one. Did you know that dimming an INCANDESCENT just a bit makes it last so long… Oh forgot, they took those away from us. We treated like little children. “No you can’t have anything good and safe”. “Here have some Cesium instead…”. Arrg…

  9. They have to cover the building with concrete. This means the ones who first go will be dead in a month and the ones who go later will die in three or four years. I wish we had an earthquake and a dozen nuke plants melted down and then the citizens would show what we can do when we get angry. But we have to get angry. Because we are 7 billion strong. We have power, but we just have to get angry.
    Poor people don’t need all this power. We could just go to bed when it gets dark. We could can our food and don’t need refrigeration. We don’t need electricity to pump water. Electricity is something we’ve only had for a little over a hundred years. Companies need a lot of electricity. The government needs it. The rich with their jacuzzis and huge tv screens and heated swimming pools need it. The poor do not need it. We will not miss it.

    1. We don’t need nuclear power to watch our huge tv screens and soak in our jacuzzis, or even to power our industry for that matter. There are appropriate sustainable energy resources all around us. The answer is definitely not going backwards and into the dark. When we invest in appropriate technologies, we can improve the lives of the poor as they are in a position to greatly benefit from the results. Refridgeration is not just to keep beer cold after all, but important for certain medications and vaccines and in general improves the quality of life. Many of us could benefit from unplugging our televisions, though.

      1. If by ‘sustainable’ energy sources you mean ‘renewable’, i.e. biomass, wind, solar, etc, then this not true for most of the world’s people.

        Were these technologies the easy fix that they are held up to be by arm-chair green enthusiasts, we would be getting the majority of our power from them right now.

        The truth is that critical problems of power density, intermittency and poor energy returns, make this a very expensive means of generating power in most places.

        Consider also how expensive they would be if all of the energy needed to build them came from expensive renewable enrgy sources. This will not change with new technology, because the problems are fundamental limitations of renewable resources.

        Most countries could live on renewable energy, but few people could afford jacuzzies, or cars, or long distance travel. Even staying warm and growing enough food might be difficult in a country with the climate and population density of Japan.

  10. WHY haven’t the governments of other countries gotten together and done something about this likely tragedy? What in the hell are they waiting for? Let me guess, for 3/4 of the population to die while they await in their safe and sound bunkers…

    1. Well, mmm…. They are talking about some crazy thing about reducing the population down to 500,000 or something. Just look it up. And I finally figured out why they are adding mercury to vaccines: To sterilize people – to help depopulate the planet. Maybe this Japan thing was caused by HAARP? Funny how the readings went nuts just 2 days before. Don’t forget the 2.5 Hz magical frequency. HAARP is also know by other names such as Ionospheric heaters. They are playing with the weather. It’s a toy for the military. So yes, I have a strange feel for all this. I think this has a purpose (of the evil kind). But they are NUTS! They killing themselves in the process. Total madness…

    1. Cos the see is the ultimate garbage disposal? Where do you think the food chain starts on this planet? Not just fish, but also rain. You think all that rain that falls on us is water vapor from freshwater lakes? It’s mostly from the sea (the salt does not rise into the clouds of course). They have to LOCALISE the problem, not radiate the rest of the environment. You want radioactive fish, eaten by radioactive seagulls, dropping radioactive bird droppings on you? Seems you’ve all heard that this accident has replaced Chernobyl as the worst accident, but did you know that before Chernobyl, the worst accident was in England? 10th Oct 1957, big tall reactor piles, one went on fire. They still have not figured out how to dismantle it safely. (They dismantled one of the two as a practice, but realised it wouldn’t work because of explosive gas pockets, and fuel that will burn on contact with air.) So, it’s still sitting concreted up, with small robots making trips to probe it. They can’t just bull doze it into the sea.

  11. NOW we know what will happen on December 21, 2012 …

    NOW we know why the 1% are grasping more than ever to accumulate the wealth to build some safety for themselves.

    NOW we know that we are all doomed.

  12. There is a possible approach to a solution:

    There is nothing of real value in the reactor building under the spent fuel pool, so fill it with dirt and rubble – quickly, using conveyors and all necessary other equipment. This can be done quickly and run without too much human exposure. Proper compaction here is desirable, but it’s not an affordable luxury.

    Next, build up dirt/concrete/rubble to just under the spent fuel pool and pour another floor under it with heavy steel reinforcement. Not perfect as would be done in new construction, but something to carry the weight as necessary. After this is in place, prefabbed concrete walls can be lifted by crane around the perimeter. These can be grouted with the best available technology against the current SFP. If necessary, the perimeter prefab units can be in smaller segments to facilitate lifting. Of course, all the grouting will require some level of remote control, since the radiation is lethal.

    Once the current SFP is stabilized and the water level is sufficient, and circulated if necessary, then additional raised and stabilized areas can be constructed for a large crane, and a mobile containment vessel and grapple can be designed and built. THEN the pool can be emptied of fuel assemblies and loaded into dry casks.

    It’s time to vet this plan and get on with it.

    1. They have no intention in solving this crisis. It’s by design that Fuckushima happened, and it’s for a specific end. Our end.

      1. Stop being delusional. This plant was not ruined ‘by design’ but by bad design. There are similar reactors in the states by the way (Dai-Ichi;s reactors are based on an American reactor) and the response delays of the back up diesel generators was a critical factor.
        This is what happens when industries with the power to create massive damage are run by private companies whose primary goal is more money (and less costs) and regulated by limp bodies overseen by opportunistic short-sighted politicians.
        Or, as you seem to think more likely, a man made earthquake knocked the reactors off line, and the tsunami flooded the basement where the back up diesel generators were located… all in some plot to reduce the earth population?

      2. The notion that nuclear energy is safe in any form is delusional. Nuclear energy is not of benefit to humanity; it is a threat to humanity and to life on Earth.

      3. I do feel you are right about your intuition. There is purpose to this. Lack of coverage on news. Outright coverup. Lies. HAARP activity (and pre-activity). Just go look at the charts. Yes, I think you are correct here. I understand how others will think this crazy. Because it is crazy. But those in POWER are CRAZY. That’s the point. They are NUTS. And we just sick back and let them continue to BOMB everyone with DEPLETED URANIUM or whatever element the toss the coin. And then they probably sit back and watch the news and laugh. That’s how insane they are! Trust your intuition…

    2. You mean like the big shroud they encased Chernobyl in? I’m sure they’re all thinking about various solutions. Problem is the experts can make suggestions, but in the end, it’s the bean counters and the politicians who will make the decision. Hopefully the public will pressure them into doing the right thing, rather than the cheapest or most convenient thing.

    3. Mike,

      You need to write to President Obama, your Senators & Reps, Secretary of State Clinton and everyone else with your idea.
      Time is of the essence.

  13. There seems much scare mongering going on here. This event will certainly not end civilisation. There is a theory that back in 2007 the Japanese establishment allowed Mr Cheney, Acting President of America to hide a number of nuclear warheads deep underneath Fukushima in readiness for a potential conflict with China or some other regional player. It is likely to be correct and exposes the current Japanese establishment’s disregard for not only the “world”, but their own people.

    From the point of the disaster which was not a fault of “Tepco planning” (although criticism of that arrogant and inept organisation is entirely justified) mindless plebians have been bombarded with nonesense (in part courtesy of Rense) to difuse Cheney’s exploded bombs. The chinese are very happy, I hear from valid sources.

  14. If you belive in the bible just a tiny bit remember this, in my own words: For every sickness there is a cure in plants. Isolate the problem, try every plant known to man on it. There is a “cure”. I know this with every fiber in my body. This issue, as horrible as it is can be overcome. Please!

    1. Exactly right. In my research clays are what your looking for. Clays effectively detox you of radiation. They treated the children around Chernobyl with clay. The Russians did far more to alleviate the situation than the Japanese have done. They took action and part of that action included the use of clays. Don’t wait forever, start detoxing yourself now.

    2. I hate to burst your bubble, but once we incorporate these radioactive materials into our bodies, it is in there for a very long time. Your body absorbs and stores Strontium as part of your bones, same with Cesium. Your Thyroid sucks up Iodine. Unfortunately for us, our body doesn’t know the difference between Iodine and Iodine-131. Or Strontium-90.

      Unless clay dissolves your bones or thyroid, you are mistaken.

  15. Pingback: The Largest Short-Term Threat to Humanity: The Fuel Pools of Fukushima – - BizNewsX - Business News AggregatorBizNewsX – Business News Aggregator
  16. Perhaps no one amongst the Japanese top politics dares to take decisions which could trigger a huge panic, especially in the nearby capital. Such a collective panic would have various negative consequences on the Japanese economy and of course could also cause the government to fall. I don`t know about the Japanese politics but I can also imagine the USA don`t wish the Japanese government to fall in case the Japanese political opposition -which would be the next government- is less favourable to the American interests. So, the reason for the non-acting could be mainly political, which is usually the reason all over the world for all kind of absurdities. If this is the case, perhaps the Chinese government could perhaps make the difference by pressuring the Japanese government through the American one. It seems to me that China would be one of the biggest looser -due to its proximity to Japan- if the hell`s gates opened in Fukushima and this could motivate the Chinese to bring the case to the UN. I`m afraid Ban ki-Moon has not real power if the US interests are in question.

    1. Hey Rerun, You miss one important fact: The earth rotates westward, hence the atmosphere moves “eastward – – away from China, and toward US>>>>
      QUOTE YOU —>
      It seems to me that China would be one of the biggest looser -due to its proximity to Japan-
      Ocean currents, as well as the winds, all move away from China and toward the US.

      1. Now continue the entire 360 degree rotate with your argument. Over time, we are all evenly… roasted.

  17. Anyway one thing is clear, collective panic is what the Japanese government fears the most concerning Fukushima. It has even officially ordered the censorship of any reporting of the truth about the Fukushima nuclear radiation fallout by ordering telecommunications companies and web masters to scrub any negative stories about the disaster. Such a collective panic could be indeed very devastating, considering that only in the nearby Tokyo there are more than thirty million people. It seems to me that this is the key to understand what happens now (and what doesn`t) in the Fukushima case: fear of panic triggering. It`s a very “sale affaire” as say the French.

  18. Pingback: CONSPIRACY.CO
  19. Pingback: The Largest Short-Term Threat to Humanity: The Fuel Pools of Fukushima « Investment Watch Blog
  20. Pool 4 and the nearby Fukushima spent fuel storage pond were NOT any ordinary spent fuel pools, here’s why:

    – nearly the entire stockpile of spent fuel that Japan has collected over decades of nuclear plant operation had only recently been moved to these pools from all over Japan, just months before the tsunami struck

    – this stockpile of spent fuel was actually a mother-lode of opportunity and was to have been then moved to the new fuel reprocessing facility almost completed in the north of Japan, ostensibly to make MOX fuel (that was co-incidentally being test-run in reactor 3), and make Japan largely independent from the Western dominated uranium markets

    – Japan has never been allowed to reprocess its own nuclear fuel since some of by-products are weapons grade plutonium and uranium. Japan doesn’t possess nuclear weapons despite being the only nation to be attacked by them.

    – If the spent fuel in these pools begins overheating and catches fire it will be almost the entire stockpile of decades worth of spent fuel from Japanese reactors that will be burning. The magnitude of the situation is difficult to overstate.

    These are NOT ordinary spent fuel pools. Something big, geopolitical and fishy stinks to high heaven here.

    1. No, we can’t actually blow up the planet (yet) even with all our nukes. When they say destroy the world they mean we have advanced technology to wipe out the entire biosphere… kill everything living on the plant. And unfortunately our common sense has not kept pace with advances in technology.

  21. Pingback: Fukushima Reactor 4: Life On Planet Earth in the Balance » JFiNTeL.com
  22. You can bury your heads in sand all you want, think about that new kitchen or car you want and do as you have always done- try to keep up with the Jonses. However this will not help you or your family. What will help you avoid human catastrophe? Expose the Global Criminal Cabal (Zionists) who have been enginnering events like Fukishima Earthquake via HAARP, giving sabotaged equipment to Fukishima plant prior to the aweful ‘disaster’. They did 9/11 too….but hopefully you know this by now. This is a war against humanity…because these bloodline Elite families want us gone from the face of the planet, so they can have their Utopia and play Gods.

    1. What kind of “Utopia” will there be if the planet is irradiated for a thousand years?

      If they wanted us all dead, it would have been more efficient to just fly over and spray us all with a deadly bacteria that would disappear in a few years.

    2. 4~18~5993

      NO! Vatican City, Rome, Italy is in charge of it all with 100’s of minions (i.e. U.N., 30 year Bush Senior White House, EU, Illuminati and on and on!)
      Yahshua the Messiah the Son of Yahweh returns SOON and no New World Order under the Christian CROSS can stop Him! Pray NOW to be saved! HalleluYah!
      This ancient transliterated Hebrew (YES JEWISH!) word means, “Praise ye Yah!”

    3. Guys, you are all forgetting one fact. You are using common sense and reasoning. Those responsible for 9-11 and Japan are INSANE. They prey to the rock up at UN. And they here voices. It tells them, if you follow my words, the world will be yours. Now go back to your Skull and Bones manual and GORGE POWER, AT ALL COST, or we will tell your mummy and daddy what happened during the initiation process and you will be put to shame.

      I hope you get my point. You guys are talking sense. They are INSANE. It’s just that simple!

  23. It is really unfortunate that most ordinary people – and I might add most scientists – have no grasp of the long-term effects of radioactive fallout.

    Tiny particles of these radioactive poisons – fallout – enters your body in food, water, and air. If it mimicks one of the nutrients (strontium-90 mimicks calcium, cesium-137 mimics potassium, iodine-131 mimics non-radioactive iodine) it settles somewhere in your body. Wherever it settles, it irradiates nearby tissue, eventually causing cancer.

    The assessment above is correct – if ANY of the huge, collected, decades-old spent fuel pools around the world were to catch fire, the amount of radiation released would be the equivalent of “nuclear winter”. The GE reactors are especially subject to damage, because they store their fuel pools for each reactor above ground (3rd or 4th floor, if I recall correctly).rather than moving the rods away from the reactor.

    An unbelievably stupid design, but then, the entire enterprise of nuclear power was stupid in the first place, it actually takes almost as much non-nuclear energy to build, refine, run, and safely store the rods as is generated by the reactor in its short life. The only reason they were popular is government subsidies (including for the fuel rods). In other words, the entire enterprise was a fraud.

    Alvarex did not mention plutonium, the most toxic radioactive element. Each nuclear power plant running anywhere creates several hundred POUNDS of plutonium each YEAR that it operates, and this has a half-life of 24,000 years. The black smoke seen in the videos of the explosion and fire last year contained plutonium. One microgram of plutonium embedded in your lungs causes cancer, because it is an alpha-emitter. Alpha particles are thousands of times more deadly than the gamma particles from cesium-137 mentioned above.

    The person above who suggested building a rubble and concrete foundation around the #4 fuel pool has provided probably one of the best solutions, It may be necessary to bury the entire facility in boron, sand, and concrete (as they did at Chernobyl) but they probably won’t do that until it actually starts burning, and then it will be too late because of sheer quantity of concrete, boron, and sand will not be available because of the geography of Japan (in Russia they had direct, rapid access to mines and a huge economic and physical infrastructure.

    By the way, don’t expect much from the manufacturers or the operators of your local nuke if it falls apart and burns like at Fukushima. Their liability is limited to about 600 million dollars. The operators told the government they would not build or run them unless their liability was limited (the Price-Anderson Act). What does that say to you?


    1. The Chernobyl sarcophagus is flawed. There are many openings in it – birds fly in and out all the time. Some of the scientists still working at Chernobyl have been there since the beginning of the disaster. They go in and out of the sarcophagus all the time. Some of these scientists have died – not from radiation related illnesses – mostly from stress related (heart attacks etc)

    2. 1. Ingestion of radioactive compounds increases the risk of eventually contracting cancer. The larger the dose, the larger the risk. Its as simple as that. An ordinary person ultimately has a 20% chance of dying from cancer. Taking a 1Sv dose from food would increase that risk by between 1-10%, depending upon how old they are and how rapidly the dose is delivered.

      2. Plutonium is indeed highly toxic. It is an alpha emitter and a-particles have 20-times the biological effectiveness of gamma rays. The energy of the a-particles is 6MeV, 10 times the energy of Cs-137 gamma rays. And it’s long biological half-life mean that it is not excreted by the human body. So on a per Bequerel absorbed basis, it is probably about 1000 times more toxic than cesium.
      But this gives a misleading impression of the danger it actually poses. Plutonium oxide is a heavy, high boiling point and chemically stable compound. Virtually none of it gets out of the fuel during a nuclear accident, far less the containment building.
      The tiny amount of plutonium that does escape, forms heavy particles that sit in the soil. There is little opportunity for it to be inhaled. Plutonium oxide is poorly absorbed by growing plants. Even the tiny amounts absorbed and eaten do not efficiently pass into the human body – only 0.04% of plutonium oxide is absorbed after ingestion.
      So the actual hazard from this material is quite small under nuclear accident conditions. The hazard posed by ceasium and iodine are large because they are volatile and gaseous and a large proportion will escape the fuel during a core melt.

      1. But the heavier plutonium is under decay. And these decay radicals become a problem. Is this not the case?

    3. “An unbelievably stupid design, but then, the entire enterprise of nuclear power was stupid in the first place, it actually takes almost as much non-nuclear energy to build, refine, run, and safely store the rods as is generated by the reactor in its short life. The only reason they were popular is government subsidies (including for the fuel rods). In other words, the entire enterprise was a fraud”.

      This is completely untrue. I haven’t the time to provide a complete analysis, but for those interested, what follows should be enough to prove that this is false.

      The amount of energy embedded in fuel depends upon how it is enriched and manufactured. The amount of energy embedded in a power plant depends upon its power density and construction.

      The electric energy generated by a 1200MWe PWR nuclear power plant in a 50 year average lifespan is 438billionKWh or 1.58×10^18 joules. In this time it will consume about 1500 tonnes of enriched uranium fuel. To produce 1 kg of 4.5% enriched uranium using gaseous centrifuge requires 6.1SWU and each SWU requires about 60kWh of electric power. So 1500 tonnes of uranium will require 549million kWh, or 0.125% of the electricity produced in a nuclear power plant over its life.

      If diffusion enrichment is used, the energy cost would be 50 times higher, but still only 5% of the electrical energy generated by the plant. Most facilities use centrifuges these days and diffusion is generally considered obsolete.

      Building a Westinghouse AP1000 reactor will require 12,000 tonnes of low carbon steel and 240,000 tonnes of concrete. The embedded energy of the steel is 20GJ/tonne and the concrete 1.1GJ/tonne. So the total energy cost of the steel and concrete is 5×10^14 joules, or 140million kWh. This is 0.03% of the electrical energy produced by the plant in 50 years. For older plants using more concrete and steel, the energy cost approaches 0.8%.

      Uranium mining costs depend upon the quality of the ore. For the Olympic Dam mine in South Australia, the energy required is equivalent to 0.8% the energy content of the uranium mined. For Rossing Mine in Namibia, the figure is 0.2%. There will be other energy costs in transporting materials.
      Fuel ponds, waste treatment and storage might be expected to double the embedded energy of the power plant. But we are still looking at <1% of the energy it generates over its operating life.

      So embedded energy = (0.125%-5%) + (0.03-0.8%) + (0.03-0.8%) + (0.2-0.8%) = 0.39-7.4% lifetime generation. Newer plants with compact containment buildings and using centrifuge enrichment are likely to be at the low end of the scale. A figure of 1% would probably be a good average.

  24. Our visitors from “out there” have told us that as far as nuclear science is concerned, we are children playing in a very sophisticated laboratory who have no idea about what we are doing. Step no.1 is to learn how to de-radiate material before we radiate it.
    Yes,material can be de-radiated- we just don’t know how to do it. Since there is probably no profit in it, the process has not been pursued. Send it all to the sun!

    They also have told us that our planet can successfully sustain a population of 600 million, not 7billion. With DU ammo we have created the use and disappear soldier and are chipping away at populations exposed to the DU nano dust resulting from our wars. Got to rid the world of those threatening Muslims!

  25. when pool 4 collapses and all 5 reactors go critical again and then if you could still get with in 100 miles of fuku and not get lethal dose u would still lose 20 more reactors and there spent fuel pools. this chain reaction of poison reactor plants is set up for depopulation globally!! — there every were and failing from age!!
    when we have to abandon the west coast of america and the hanford complex, and California’s power and experimental reactors fail and go critical game over —— i think the radiation has made me crazy because this is the only logical excuse i see for this mess is a alien spices that can deal with radiation better than us humans is here or coming and the plan is extermination and then repopulation and the 1 % mus have cut a deal for a new place to live trading our gold and planet for there survival and serves!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2012 ya ya ya fear mongering o ya !! we are so screwed!! vote ron paul he might be willing to sink japan. it is our last hope. sorry japan u had a year to fix this and u have only made it worse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Test and install the Roy Process. In 1979, Dr. Radha Roy, professor of physics emeritus, estimated costs to test Cesium 137 to a non-radioactive element at about $2 million dollars and would take 2 weeks. It was politically blocked. 32 years time wasted lying to the public. See:

    CHERNOBYL disaster – PART 8

    Chernobyl Legacy – Photo Essay: Paul Fusco

    SCOOP NEWS – The Roy Process

  27. Dear Akio,

    My respect and congratulations with the effect of your actions!! You started this as one worried individual and look what you allready have done!! IT IS LIKE IN OLD TIMES: NEVER GiVE UP!!! Great to see that the power of the social media in a situation as this is immense!

    Big hug, sincerely yours, Erica

    Hartelijke groeten, Erica Terpstra

  28. It is wise to use all ur diplomatic power,and get such chopper there asap,if Japan have none,Korea has…….

    1. Thnx for posting the pdf with technical info,that together with the pictures with of the plant,and the info on the net,made me some wiser of how the situation is,and or how it ,best can solved.

  29. sorry, there is no missing link. Yes missing love for your neighbours, that is really, really missing… not surprised, not amused.

  30. This “catastrophic radiological fire” would have to evaporate everything there. Looks like a scaremongering, plain and simple.

    Mr. Alvarez would not simply lift the rods by a crane, because it would release some radioactivity. How much, he does not say. Rather, let’s go doomsday.

  31. I’m amazed that:

    *The reactors were built all in a row facing the sea, containing a known offshore major fault line.
    * The fuel rod storage pond is 100mtrs above ground level.
    *The backup generators are onsite, underground in the basement….not on high ground and separated from the reactor should there be an accident of any kind that might endanger the building.
    * nothing but an external cleanup of rubbish has been undertaken in twelve months since the event.
    * the government has reacted by not calling for international help, but to simply gag the media to prevent loss of face.
    * The UN hasn’t crashed the party to insist that a multinational task force move in to contain the radioactivity before it becomes the death of us all.
    This is a worldwide disaster in the making, let’s not watch it unfold while sitting on our hands.

    1. Would you believe this! They boys band in Japan, on air, ate Fuku food to promote it as ok. This went on for a while. One more elderly person also did this to promote all ok Fuku food. But he is now hospitalized with acute leukemia. How insane is that? I watch this on Japan TV. Un freaking real. What is wrong?

  32. I have operated a business repairing cracks in concrete pools for the past thirty six years.
    Reading of the issues related to the nos. Three and four containment ponds I have come up with a few ideas that may greatly reduce or stop the water loss without endangering workers.
    Repairs to Containment pond three will require the manufacture of an active-vacuum sealing double-walled hollow alloy column, much like a drain pipe cut down the middle with an end cap on one end, and open at the other. The unit is sized to encompass the crack. An o ring seat is fitted between the double walls. When a vacuum pump is connected and the unit is held against the pond wall with the open end above water, a partial vacuum occurs between the twin walls of the alloy collumn and the concrete wall, causing the unit to suck onto the wall and seal out water along the vertical crack during the repair process. Water is drawn out from the interior until the column is empty. A this point the column (covering the crack) can be filled with sealant. I use an insanely strong high temp two part mega epoxy to seal the crack without removing water from the pond. In twenty four hours the alloy column can be removed (or not) and the repair is complete. (In another twenty four hours the material has become so hard you require a diamond saw to scratch it.) This is a locally made substance from an engineering firm and has never failed me.
    The no. Four remedy I thought of is a little more complicated and is designed to repair an unseen crack in a pond fouled with junk.
    Please someone contact me and talk, we could repair no. 3 in perhaps two days and no. 4 in a week or two. I’m not a crackpot…I’m in the business of repairing underwater cracks in swimming pools and the ramifications of failing to seal these ponds frightens us all.
    I’m willing to travel.

    1. You beauty Ken….thank goodness for people like you who are offering their expertise and resources to really get something done about this. On behalf of my grandchildren and those to come, I give you deepest thanks 🙂

    2. Ken.

      Just as I replied to Mike, above, who had a suggestion for sealing No. 4, I urge you to contact everyone possible. Go to the White House website and send an e-mail, copy your senator and representative. etc.

      I also urge everyone to spread the word so that more people will also make their voices heard.

    3. Does this stop the melted mush that escaped No 1, 2 and 3. Or has that already escape the buildings and into the soil. I mean obviously that must be stopped first??

  33. Is it possible to begin the worldwide conversion of these nuclear power plants to the use of Thorium. The technology has been around for 40 to 50 years. Now that we don’t need the uranium for more nuclear weapons programs, wouldn’t it be prudent to take that technology off the shelf and bring it to bear on not encountering more such situations in the future?

    1. Safe Thorium nuclear reactors are a myth. Thorium is highly radioactive, and is no panacea.

  34. Nuclear energy is unsafe in any application. The supporters of nuclear energy are enemies of humanity and enemies of life on earth.

  35. What a bunch of morons run this planet. There are over 450 nuke plants on the planet, and we are told that one..just one, can be a planet killing event if the thing went rogue,like what is possible in Fukushima. There is talk of evacuating Tokyo..Thirty million people…evacuate them to where ? What fools , what morons to institute nuke plants in the first place just to boil water ! ! !How could they know it could happen ?These idiots KNEW it could happen, they calculated the odds, and even though the odds said there was a 50/50 chance this could happen to at least one of these plants in a 20 year period, they did it anyway…Our air all around world is contaminated now, and the ocean around the west coast of The US and Canada will be too in one year. What kind of insufferable idiots decided to build these things in the first place ???

    1. The final decision NOT to evacuate was summed up as it would cause to much panic. So that was then end of that. So the entire population was ever so humbly and calmly radiated. Women are aborting babies in fear of tragic mutations so on. One reported picked up sames around Tokyo and sent back to lab (on the street, on top of building, on grass, so on). Report came back as requiring all to be sent to Texas for waist disposal. Holly crap! Don’t forget we are ALL affected. It just takes time for us to all be evenly baked as the oceans (I think they say 6 years for it to even out in the oceans). So don’t eat tuna they said. Insane. Totally insane. Oh and in Japan they upped the min safe level for children from 1 mSv to 20 mSv per year (same as nuclear workers). So don’t worry, as more and more nuking happens, it just keeps getting safer. Because they just up the number so you will all be ok. Ok. If the PROPAGANDA NEWS (owned by only a few giants now INCLUDING G E )… If the PROPAGANDA NEWS SAYS its safe it must be. I believe them totally …. not.

      1. Oh boy, the radiation is killing my words. Correctins: “One REPORTER picked up SAMPLES … TAKES TIME for us to be evenly baked by it all (from the oceans, air, what have you). And propllyy all othr wrds mising some leter or three (it’s the alpha particle hitting my keybord…)

  36. So the problem is,there is a leakage in the concrete of the spent fuel pool,so the pool needs constantly be refilled,the building is crippled,no way the building stands there for so long.
    Make the way clear from above,make a concrete minipool that can hang on a chopper(skycrane),also make another storage pool,just somewhere in the ground in a more stable area.or use an existing swimmingpool in the area nearby.
    when finished that,two lifting cranes place one near by fukushima4 and one by the
    new pool,load the caskets over one by one.
    No way the leakage in an crippled plant and storagefuel that’s almost totally destructed,good for holding it a long time.and now u have to fill it over and over,and because it leaks,more and more radiated water drowned onto/into the floor…

    Maybe an idea..i think better then another meltdown and fallout

  37. I think that the godless liberal elite planned this accident to dishonor god, apple pie and chevrolet .

  38. In another important article on your website, Gordon Edwards states, “A loss of coolant in the spent fuel pool — whether by leakage, spillage, or boiling off of the cooling water — will lead to intense gamma radiation that would prevent human access for hundreds of metres in all directions around the spent fuel pool, making it very difficult to take corrective actions.” This statement was confirmed to me by Robert Alvarez, who said, “If pool No. 4 drains and or collapses, all bets are off. Dose-rates on the site are likely to prohibitively high.”

    What happens if the radiation levels become so high that the rest of the plant, the other spent fuel pools and reactors, can no longer be accessed or maintained? Do all the fuel pools boil off, melt and burn? Do the reactors lose cooling water and experience more explosive, destructive events?

    The common pool, containing 6200 spent rods, is located 50 meters from spent pool #4. If pool #4 is breached, it will make it impossible to access the common pool. Nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen has said that the rods in this pool are relatively “cool” and that it would take weeks for the water in the pool to boil off. What happens after that is a matter of speculation, but surely it is an experiment that should not be run.

    Given the enormous amounts of long-lived radionuclides that reside in the spent fuel, the potential for further disaster is enormous. Cs-137 is the element most responsible for the creation of the 2000 square mile exclusion zone that surrounds Chernobyl. There are also many tens of thousands of square miles in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia that are heavily contaminated, which are really too dangerous to live on. Most of the children living in these areas are not considered to be healthy; according to the Belrad Institute, this is because they must eat food contaminated with Cs-137 (it is in all the soils and thus becomes concentrated in the foodstuffs, dairy products, meats, etc).

    Much or most of Japan could become permanently uninhabitable. Tokyo would surely be evacuated and abandoned. The Pacific Ocean would receive many times more radiation than has already entered it. Neighboring nations might also receive enough fallout to create their own exclusion zones. Global background radiation levels would rise significantly, as would cancer rates.

    The terrible irony in this situation is that TEPCO, the Japanese Government and the nuclear industry have together succeeded broadcasting the message that the situation at Fukushima is “under control”. Another major earthquake, which results in the collapse of building #4 and the breach of the spent fuel pool there, could quickly make it clear that the situation is anything but under control.

    TEPCO has lied about the situation at Fukushima from the outset of the disaster, initially claiming that they were “trying to prevent a meltdown”, when they knew from the start that multiple meltdowns has already occurred. TEPCO should be removed from control of the situation, and replaced with some governmental or non-governmental organization, which is capable of producing a massive intervention that brings the necessary technical expertise and means to prevent further disaster. A means must be found to quickly and safely remove the spent fuel rods from reactor building #4. Time is not on our side; we cannot afford to wait years for this process to take place, while hoping that another earthquake will not occur. The future of Japan and the global biosphere are at stake.

    One final note: Every major commercial nuclear reactor in Japan and the United States has a spent fuel pool on site, which is filled with high-level nuclear waste that has accumulated there for decades. (There are 23 nuclear reactors in the US that are of the same design as those at Fukushima, each with a spent fuel pool 100 feet above ground level, not in primary containment.) Each one of these pools holds the same potential for disaster as does spent fuel pool #4.

    1. ‘Much or most of Japan could become permanently uninhabitable. Tokyo would surely be evacuated and abandoned. The Pacific Ocean would receive many times more radiation than has already entered it. Neighboring nations might also receive enough fallout to create their own exclusion zones. Global background radiation levels would rise significantly, as would cancer rates.’

      The end is nigh it would seem!

      This was a serious accident, but people need to ‘get real’ about it. It is true that there is the potential for another one at least as bad if the authorities do lose control of the situation. This is unlikely now, as the effort to control the situation is far better organised than it was in the immediate aftermath of the worst earthquake in the history of man.

      It is important to learn lessons and take steps to avoid another. But it should be realised that the accident accounts for only a small portion of the damage and mortality from the Japanese earthquake and tsunami.

      The Fukushima evacuation zone is ~750km2 (0.2% of Japan) for a release of 1.5×10^16Bq of caesium isotopes. Much of the contamination was Cs-134, which has a half-life of two years. So a significant part of the exclusion zone should be inhabitable again in another few years. As the half-life of Cs-137 is 30 years, a large zone will need to be maintained for at least a few decades, but it will in fact shrink every year. Another similar release could extend this zone, but there is no possibility of Japan becoming ‘permanently uninhabitable’ or even 1% of it becoming uninhabitable for even 30 years.

      Most of the fuel in the ponds is at low decay heat level, but it is possible that if uncovered, the more recent rods could get hot enough for a significant portion of their caesium to escape. Most would fall out within the existing exclusion zone, some might be carried further.

      The existing contamination levels in Japan might account for as many as 2000 additional cancer deaths over the next fifty years. This is not trivial, but the increase will not be measurable against the 16million expected cancer deaths that will occur in the same period. Indeed, it is small compared to the 900 thousand cancer deaths that might be attributed to natural background radiation in Japan over 50 years.

      It is also important to realise that this is not the same as promptly killing 2000 people in an accident. The contamination is a pollutant and exposure to it reduces life expectancy. It adds to the pollution burden that exists already from other things. We could for example say that on average, 10,000 fatal cancers are caused every year by air pollution in the UK and at least twice as many in Japan. A large coal powerplant spews out enough Benzo-pyrene each year to cause a million cancers. Much of this falls on farmland somewhere. The reality is that everyone is taking a small extra risk of dying early from this. Average life expectancy in Japan might be a year or two higher were it not for this pollution. The Fukushima accident might reduce it by up to one day.

      So the fact is that we would expect at this level of pollution, an extra unlucky 2000 people would die sooner than they otherwise would. In this way, it is not so different to exhaust fumes or other contaminants that people everywhere have to live with.

      Even if all of the caesium from the Fukushima reactors were physically extracted and dumped into the upper atmosphere by the ultimate James Bond Villain, there would not be a substantial rise in global background radiation levels. For global background levels to double from 3 to 6mSv per year, average Cs-137 contamination levels would need to be 100GBq per square km. This would require the complete release and dispersal of 3200 times as much caesium as was released at Fukushima. Even in this ultimate fantasy scenario, it would not result in an unmanageable cancer epidemic. Many first world populations live in background levels higher than this. There is no measurable difference in cancer rates.

      Consider also what would happen to Japanese life expectancy, if the people there did not have access to an abundant energy supply. How would their life expectancy be affected if they were substantially less wealthy? How many years would it knock off?

      1. wow ah, You talk only Japanese life expectancy? Maybe you just summarizing. We are ALL affected. Everyone. Most N.America at the moment but about 6 years even spread by ocean. i don’t know how long air system. But we will all become evenly , as I say, roasted ! Shake’n bake anyone?

  39. Matsumura is a shill for the cabal. I and three colleagues have each personally checked for radiation in dozens of locations in Tokyo, Gunma, Chiba, Ibaraki, Nagano etc. and never found anything except normal background radiation. It is fear mongering by the cabal. I live 200 kilometers from Fukushima and am not in the least bit worried.

    Benjamin Fulford.

    1. Nope. Nice try, but Arnie Gundersen who is a real, live nuclear scientist, has recently done lots of soil testing in and around Tokyo. He found very high levels of radiation, and they examined the provenance of the isotopes and found they were directly from Fukushima. I heard him talk about it on April 22.

    2. Enough with the formalities!! Embargo Japan until they get rid of all that dangerous nuclear power. What a selfish race of people that they have no concern for their own people, or the rest of the world. They have ruined the planet already with Fukushima… we dont even know if it’s safe to swim in the Hawaiian beaches now because of their stupidity. Why are we allowing them to put our lives at risk? This needs to be addressed IMMEDIATELY.

      1. They are not the one who started HAARP, ok. They were warned and preyed upon. Do your research. They are the victims and all of us in return. And turn off the PROPAGANDA LIE BOX, please. Your subconscious cannot compete with SUBLIMINAL SEDUCTION and repeated crafty LIES. What LIES you don’t notice consciously gets accepted as TRUTHS. They you become programmed to their agenda. Don’t believe me. Stop watching TV for 3 to 12 months. Then come back. You will be sickened beyond belief what you have been submitted to all your life.

        Come on, try it out. And I challenge you to read up on PROPAGANDA and SUBLIMINAL SEDUCTION and the SUBCONSCIOUS MIND…

        I want you all to be FREED from PROPAGANDA BRAINWASHING MIND-CUFFS.

        Be FREE!

  40. Pingback: Anonymous
  41. A Marine type Construction Firm is needed to transfer the fuel rods in water. I would think that a firm that is familiar with transfering fish like wales, sharks, dolphins in swimming pools would be appropriate but there would need to be an expert on leakage or cracking. This has never been done. Perhaps a Submarine Company? I am not sure.

  42. si estas plantas son tan peligrosas y amenazan contra la raza humana porque las siguen contruyendo en los paises ya todas las grandes potencias tienen plantas nucleares a donde vamos a llegar a la destruccion del planeta tierra.imaginense ahora que se forme la tercera guerra mundial que ya esta a la vuelta de la esquina con tantos conflictos el medio oriente rusia china EE.UU israel corea del norte Iran.no tenemos seguridad en cualquier momento nos pueden estar bonbardiando con misiles nucleares y que va a pasar con nosotros y el resto del mundo desaparecemos?porque con bombas nuclerares no se salva nadie ojala y estos lideres politicos agan algo las naciones unidas los gobiernos del mundo porque si no paran estas almas nuclerares esta sociedad civilizada desaperecede este planeta tierra.

    1. It already is WW III ? Si non?
      Look they will destroy themselves as well but they are BLIND.
      They are seeking MATERIAL RICHES.
      They are MAD.
      We just sit back and watch them STRUGGLE with their STRAIGHT JACKETS.
      But don’t fear.
      We are but SPIRITS.
      We can go to other planets for our next INCARNATION.
      Mean white these STUPID MAD IDIOTS will be trying to DRAG all their RICHES to their GRAVES.

      You say WW III is around the corner, no, it is here, now!

  43. I have operated a business repairing cracks in concrete pools for the past thirty six years.
    Reading of the issues related to the nos. Three and four containment ponds I have come up with a few ideas that may greatly reduce or stop the water loss without endangering workers.

    Here are a few updated (25.4.2012) thoughts on repairing the containment ponds.

    Repairs to the crack/s in Containment pond three will require the manufacture of an active vacuum-sealing double-walled hollow alloy tube,  much like a circular drain pipe cut down the middle with an end cap on both ends. A smaller half pipe is fitted inside the outer pipe so that there are two separate compartments once the unit is fitted to the wall.  The  unit is sized to encompass the crack. An o ring seat is fitted around both bases of the double walls of the unit, where it will make contact with the containment pond wall. 

    When a remote vacuum pump is connected via a suitable vacuum tube and the unit is held against the pond wall, a partial vacuum occurs between the twin walls of the alloy column and the concrete wall, causing the unit to seal and attach securely to the wall and seal out pond water along the vertical crack during the repair process.  The crack is now encompassed within the inner compartment.

    Two flexible pipes are attached to one end of the tube.  Tube one enters the first compartment (vacuum) tube two penetrates to the inner compartment. Tube three at the opposite end of the unit also goes to the inner compartment.

    Tube 1/. Is attached to a remotely placed and shielded vacuum pump. When the unit is physically placed over the crack by a robot or crane arm etc and the pump is activated, the outer compartment will adopt a partial vacuum condition and the unit will seal to the wall of the pool.
    Tube 2/. Application of a positive nitrogen gas flow will exhaust water from the base of the unit into tube 3. Once the water is evacuated, continue to introduce a hot nitrogen gas to dry the inner surfaces, ready for sealant to be introduced.
    Tube 3/.  This is a multi functional tube. It initially exhausts the trapped water from the inner compartment of the repair unit and then high humidity heated air during the drying process.

    Now we have a sealed, dry, warm underwater capsule in which to effect a repair.

     A this point the inner compartment (covering the crack) can be filled with sealant. I use an insanely strong high temp two part mega epoxy to seal the crack without removing water from the pond. In twenty four hours the alloy column can be removed (or not) and the repair is complete. (In another twenty four hours the material has become so hard you require a diamond saw to scratch it.) This is a locally made substance from an engineering firm and has never failed me.

    The epoxy is in liquid form, is premixed and injected into the inner compartment through tube number three tube at the base of the unit. 
    When the exterior of the crack on the outer side of the concrete wall oozes epoxy, the pressure in the number two tube can be shut down and the epoxy allowed to set. The inner repair will be in the form of the semi-circular repair unit inner cavity. 
    Of course The dimensions of the unit can be engineered to suit the desired strength.

    Number four:
    The no. Four remedy I thought of is a little more complicated and is designed to repair an unseen crack in a pond fouled with junk. I suggest multi sized glass beads, available locally here. You can purchase a 15 kg bag of assorted 1-4mm beads for around $A50.  These beads can find and partially block the leak as the larger beads jam into the crack and the smaller beads cascade in after them to further reduce flow. A very fine chop-strand glass fibre is then introduced to seal the crack completely. All of the above is achieved while the water is being sufficiently agitated to allow movement of the glass beads continually around the pool to locate the cracks.

    If someone would like to contact me and talk, I would like to help. I fly Qantas.

    I’m currently in the business of repairing underwater cracks in swimming pools and I would like to help seal these pools if I can.
    I’m willing to travel.

  44. Pingback: Anonymous
  45. Dear Fellow Concerned Earthlings, Two common-sense fallout protection products: Biosuperfood is an encapsulated blend of four beneficial algae providing nutrients and chemical compounds for excellent radiation immunity/elimination. (Biosuperfood helped victims of Chernobyl.) Carnivora, a pure plant extract that regulates proper immune functioning and also signals to abnormal cells that they need to die by apoptosis. Simultaneously using both products gives high immune strength and rapid radiation elimination — while preventing cellular mutation. Please find more info at: fallout-protection.blogspot.com and oceanradiationremedy.wordpress.com. Sincerely, Pahl Dixon pahldixon@yahoo.com

  46. A company in California called Seychelle now makes a fully tested radiological water filter that removes 100% of radiological contaminants plus chemicals and disolved solids. Even if you have dehydrated food stored, you will need water to re-hydrate it. Container is even BPA free. You can buy replacement cartridges as well. I just purchased the water bottle and also the filter to put in storage with my other supplies. Here’s hoping I never need them!


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  48. Pingback: Fukushima - Page 3
  49. It’s adding all the Cesium in the Spent Fuel Pools and reactors together. It’s a misleading headline. To be accurate he should have said “…potentially 85 times greater…”. It would still be misleading, but not nearly as extreme. Regardless, it doesn’t change the fact that Fukushima’s released cesium is 5X less than Chernobyl’s releases.

  50. This article contains some innaccuracies and should be corrected.

    The Cs-137 release from Fukushima could not possibly have been 85 times that of Chernobyl. The release fraction of Cs-137 at Chernobyl was between 20-40%. The powerplant was a 1000MWe reactor, larger than unit 1 at Fukushima and a similar size to units 2 & 3. Even if every atom of ceasium in all of the stored and spent fuel escaped, the release could not possibly have been 85 times as large.

    At Fukushima, substantial Ceasium will have been retained within the containment building, which was not present at Chernobyl. The actual release was estimated to be 1.5×10^16Bq of Cs-137, which is a lot to be sure – about 20% of the Chernobyl release.

    The worst consequences of an accident of this magnitude are indeed severe, but you overstate the matter. We are talking several thousand possible fatalities, not millions. And the area of Japan heavily contaminated is about 1000 square km. These are not trivial consequences, but they do not amount to an apocalypse. There is in fact no possibility of a nuclear accident destroying the world.

    1. Chernobyl was not in full capacity at the time. They were only in test mode during the incident.

      Even small amounts of radiation will affect the biosphere.

      This is indeed a major incident.

      All the denial going on and the turn off of the radiation meters.

      It is a great cover up.

  51. Hi there, I wish for to subscribe for this weblog to get most
    recent updates, thus where can i do it please help out.

  52. I am very worry about level of radiation on island Ocinava. My family use product -Korall-Main(for drinking water), which was manufactured from local Corals. Please, help me to find trustworthy information

  53. I think all those pictures have to many holes in them to see anything. I remember a doco where they had a robot go along a working nuclear power plant, As it went along, more and more pixels were dying in the camera due to the radiation! Would you believe that in some reactors, when they replace the metal turbine parts (huge), all that metal is irradiated! They had to put it into special containment and then replace it with new metal turbine parts (to be the next victim of radiation). So we are throwing away huge huge turbine precious metal all the time. What an insane nuclear industry!

  54. Please understand. They are the culprit. Writing to them is praising them! Let me get the direct quote… Just wait a bit as a fast forward… Actually found my notes:

    I was amazed to hear “… the centers for disease control and prevention and public health experts do not recommend that people in the united states take precautionary measures beyond staying informed (aka LIED TO)…” from Obama.

    What? You guys should have taken your iodine tablets!

    Now that is deliberate killing. I am sorry but that there is sick. Truly sick.

    No don’t write to the offenders!

    And another load of DECEIT:

    And then to hear this on news: “there’s ah.. GROWING BODY (she moves her body to force the DECEIT) of evidence that ah radiation in excess of what the government(s) says(s) is are the minimum amount you should be exposed to were actually GOOD FOR YOU (stress) in reduced cases of(f) cancer…” Holly shit.


    If I SHOOT you in the HEAD just ONCE, you are DEAD, No?

    If ALPHA PARTICLE smacks into your DNA just once, you are forever MUTATED, No?

    I hope you understand my point. Don’t write to the offenders. Know you enemy!

  55. We are all entitled to our opinion.
    I seek the truth.
    I challenge you to research.
    Only because I care about human life.
    I’m sure you’d like to be sure.

  56. This has got be one of the better set of information on both sides I have seen for a while.
    I often see so much crap.
    But this is a good collection of comments.

    Just don’t forget to follow your instincts.
    If something smells rotten, follow it up.
    And STOP watching the PROPAGANDA MACHINE.
    Be FREE!


  57. Does anyone have a better idea than this?

    Is there any problem with this solution?

    We need to stop demanding more cooks (kooks?!) in theTepco kitchen. If no one already has a better idea, then this must be done without delay!!!

    “Bringing the Mountain to Mohammed!”

    If we cannot immediately get the fuel rods safely down to the ground, then we must immediately bring the ground up to support the floor that holds the fuel pond: Fill and surround the Reactor 4 building with a stable mix of gravel and sand—maybe just a little cement. (Cement produces too much heat to quickly cure a large block, which is part of why they discarded this solution prematurely.)

    Alternatively: Fill and surround the building with Styrene Foam.——This would be the quickest solution, as well as the best way to preserve access using cardboard tube tunnels. As well as merely supporting the building, it will immobilize to structural members, thus preserving whatever structural integrity is left.

    Glowingly Yours!

    W. Scott Smith

    Spokane, WA USA

  58. Good o’ll Spokane… You see Scott – at least you CARE and WANT to do something CONSTRUCTIVE. They um… don’t….

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